Pingalwara was founded by Bhagat Puran Singh. It is a home for the homeless, a hope for the forlorn, a hospital for the sick and a cradle for the orphaned and abandoned childrens. It was conceived in the serene environment of Gurdwara Dehra Sahib, Lahore where the founder used to come across some destitute and unfortunate, uncared sick and old people fending for themselves on the road-side footpaths, and was built in Amritsar after the partition of the country. Pingalwara was registered as ‘All India Pingalwara Charitable Society (Regd.).
Pingalwara literally means a home for people with disabilities and caters to the needs of the terminally sick. It is primarily a rescue-home for the poor, helpless and injured.
Today Pingalwara has seven branches in India, Chandigarh, Sangrur, Jalandhar, Goindwal, Mananwala and Pandori Waraich, in addition branches in USA, and Canada.There are a total of over 1700 patients.
Pingalwara Charitable Society UK aim is to support charities like All India Pingalwara in Amritsar through the projects proposed where they may need support. So far we have been able to raise funds to support the medical needs of the charity as well the prosthetic limbs department. We are always looking for projects to support in the UK or abroad. We have recently supported the NHS (National Health Service) in the UK where we raised monies through a charity run and walk challenge to purchase life changing equipment for Ealing Hospital.
Our aim is to relieve poverty for people who are homeless, abandoned and physically impaired or otherwise in need by providing education, training, medical assistance, shelter, food, clothes and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient. b. To relieve financial hardship, sickness and poor health, particularly amongst elderly people through our project where monies are raised through donations supported by yourselves.